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2019高考上海外语笔试于明天下午举行 考生需要注意什么?





1.英语科目听力考试,采用上海人民广播电台东方都市 广播播音、考生自备带有耳机的收音机收听的办法(严禁将具有电子存储记忆录放功能的设备带入考场),考生自备收音机应能正常工作,并备足电池。非通用语种、后方基地考点考生听力考试采用 CD 光盘播放的形式进行。

2.听力考试收听频率:FM(调频)89.9 兆赫、AM(中波) 792 千赫。考试前,考生应自行调整好收音机频率。正式开考前,考生还会有时间调校频率及音量。听力考试不设备用考场。



5.6 月 8 日下午 2:30 考生开始进入考场,2:45 禁止迟到考生入场,2:45 开始分发答题纸,2:50 开始试听,2:55 开始分发试卷,3:00 听力考试正式开始,4:30 后才能提前交卷出场。



I. Listening Comprehension

Section A


Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


A. The seats there are uncomfortable.

B. There are more than enough seats.

C. It is popular with customers.

D. It provides customers with reading materials.


A. Spare his neighbor a key.

B. Get his key from his neighbor.

C. Study in his neighbor’s apartment.

D. Borrow some books from his neighbor.


A. Hand in their financial plan later.

B. Leave their financial plan unfinished.

C. Seek more information for their financial plan.

D. Finish their financial plan with what they have.


A. He failed in Dr. Parker’s test.

B. He didn’t know Dr. Parker at all.

C. Dr. Parker’s tests were not difficult.

D. The woman’s source of information is reliable.


A. The man should be recognized by his parents.

B. The man’s parents helped him get the scholarship.

C. The man should be praised for his accomplishment.

D. The man’s parents stopped boasting about his scholarship.


A. She didn’t work hard on it.

B. It wasn’t as good as expected.

C. Her claims in it were persuasive.

D. Her professor was satisfied with it.


A. Serve the dish as it is.

B. Taste the dish first.

C. Put some salt in the dish.

D. Ask mum about the dish.


A. She’ll call Julia next week.

B. She wonders if she’ll see Julia.

C. Julia doesn’t want others to see her.

D. Julia won’t be able to help the man.


A. It is a big deal.

B. It needs a new engine.

C. It doesn’t deserve repairing.

D. It is in a better condition than the woman’s.


A. He has a lot of experience as a skier.

B. He hasn’t ever been to central mountains.

C. He plans to go skiing during his spring break.

D. He doesn’t recommend going to central mountains.

Section B


Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.


A. It’s important to set a proper aim.

B. What you get determines what you want.

C. It’s no use regretting what you haven’t got.

D. People are not aware of what they want.


A. Shopping.

B. Finding a location.

C. Inviting a friend.

D. Planning.


A. How smart they are.

B. What they hope to achieve.

C. How much they can earn.

D. What they can offer.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.


A. It fails for most of the time.

B. It hens less frequently now.

C. Managers begin to doubt its feasibility.

D. Managers are trying to make it simpler.


A. When managers want to understand interrelated problems.

B. When managers hope to get a general idea of a system.

C. When managers are running a successful operation.

D. When managers have already grasped the whole thing.


A. They have seldom communicated with workers.

B. They have no access to complex systems.

C. They don’t know what they are ignorant of.

D. They don’t know clearly how to explain to managers.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.


A. A writer.

B. A journalist.

C. A story-teller.

D. A photographer.


A. They can judge whether the interviewee is lying.

B. They can keep in mind the importance of deadline.

C. They can research the sense of smell professionally.

D. They can use evidence to inform people of the missing parts of the story.


A. They might fail to be capable note-takers.

B. They might concentrate too much on details.

C. They might be lacking in the trick of the trade.

D. They might have no idea what can be asked later.


A. They are useful to promote the process of interviews.

B. They are powerful to prove the truth of news reports.

C. They are influential to challenge the content of recordings.

D. They are effective to assess the information journalists need to know.

2019高考上海外语笔试于明天下午举行 考生需要注意什么?



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