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2021贵州英语作文题目最新预测 可能考的热点话题





Li Jiang: Have you heard this? A group of exchange students from the UK are visiting our school next month.

Su Hua: Yes, I have. Some are already recommending the traditional Chinese dress for the welcome ceremony.

Li Jiang: But it seems people have different opinions.

Su Hua: What do you think?

Li Jiang: I think it’s a good idea. It’s an opportunity to make the Chinese culture better known to international students.

Su Hua: I agree. But we don’t have to dress that way. That’s not our daily style. Besides, it’s not very convenient.

Li Jiang: You see, it’s the Chinese culture that the British friends are coming for. Just the right occasion.

Su Hua: I prefer the school uniform. It’s nice. It’s also a better display of our school culture.


1. 用约30个词概括上述信息的主要内容;

2. 在上述场合,你是否倾向于穿中国传统服装?请说明理由(不少于两点)。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;


3. 不必写标题。




Li Jiang and Su Hua are discussing what to wear when receiving the British students next month. Li recommends the traditional Chinese dress while Su prefers the school uniform.

I would be hy to wear traditional Chinese clothes at the welcome ceremony. Firstly, this is precisely what the British visitors are expecting. They come to learn about Chinese culture with their own eyes. Their Chinese peers in the typical Chinese dress would be highly impressive. The school uniforms are fine, but not special enough to give a unique Chinese flavour. Secondly, the inconvenience is not a problem if our purpose is to share Chinese culture. It is just the so-called inconvenience that displays the richness, delicacy and great fascination of Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years.

The traditional Chinese clothes, it seems to me, will make the occasion very Chinese and inviting to the British guests.

2021贵州英语作文题目最新预测 可能考的热点话题



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