





毕业后干什么 What I Choose to Do upon Graduation

范文正文:本文是一篇议论文, 文中第一段描述了大学生毕业之际面临对未来的选择, 列举数种意向作为背景, 引出主题“ 我的抉择”, 例证真实, 论点明确, 思路严谨。学习本文应多临摹其思路以及语言表达。

Upon graduating from the university, every student is faced with a big, practical problem, thatis, to make a choice for his/her future career. However, the choice varies from pe rson to person. Some students want to find jobs in joint ventures, desiring to earn more money. Many arepreparing for entering the gr aduate school, so they work hard to pass the entranceexamination. Also, there are unambitious ones who are indifferent to the choice of career andthink that any kind of job will satisfy their desire. Only a small number of students are at a losswhat to choose. As to me, I am determined to further my studies abroad and I am fullysupported by my parents.

I have many reasons for my choice. T he fundamental one is that in a developed country I canenrich my mind with most advanced profes sional knowledge in my speciality. I believe thatthe more I learn, the better equipped I will be with modern knowledge, and the more probablyI will succeed in my pursuit. Some people suggest that I work while studying. Well, that mightbe a good idea. However, I would like to see more of the world when I am young, and I thinkthree or four years' study will undoubtedly benefit my whole life. In addition, I am sure that Iwill certainly have more opportunities to get a satisfactory job in future with the profoundknowledge I learn in graduate school abroad.


Should Online Businesses Be Taxed?





Should Online Businesses Be Taxed?

As to whether online businesses should be taxed,there is a long-running concern as well as controversial debate.

Some people contend that online businesses are economic entities、with the purpose of making profits,so it’s reasonable and obligatory for them to pay taxes.Taxing online businesses also demonstrates fairness to both physical retail businesses and their online counterparts.What’s more,they will benefit from it in the long run.But others disrove of the practice. They hold the view that despite the high e-commerce transaction volume, online businesses do not have a very high profit margin.Taxation may force many online businesses to quit because they cannot make money any longer.Besides.ff online businesses are taxed.the increasing costs are likely to be shifted to consumers.unfavorable for their healthy development.

As for my personal viewpoint。I support the former opinion.Now that online businesses are commercial activities.they have no excuse to be exempted from taxation.Furthermore,the tax-free model surely brings some benefits to online businesses in the short term.but it will become a great obstacle for the far-reaching development of the whole trade.










7.委员:建议高考外语必考改选考 取消初高中英语主科地位

8.委员:建议高考外语必考改选考 取消中学英语主科地位


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