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2022四川英语高考作文押题 题目预测及范文









提示词:探月 moon exploration


Dear Jim,

I am glad to share with you more details about my passion for moon exploration.

It started with what I had been told about the moon as a kid and grew stronger with time. As you can guess, there is rich cultural meaning behind the faithful companion of the earth. In Chinese culture, as opposed to the masculinity of the sun, the moon is often compared to a quiet and elegant lady. Also, it reminds people of their family and friends far away. People feel reassured knowing that they are watching the same moon as if the moon could serve as their messenger.

Human beings have never stopped exploring our closest neighbor. I believe it is of great significance. The development of relevant technology facilitates the progress of science in general, which benefits our everyday life. What’s more, I think moon exploration shows an important human trait, that is, curiosity about the unknown, which is the driving force that has brought our species this far.

I hope you find what I‘ve mentioned above interesting and reasonable. By the way, what do you think of when you gaze at the moon? Write back and tell me about it!


Li Hua


As the picture shows that ten years ago on May12, a big earthquake struck Wenchuan, causing many houses destroyed and thousands of people losing their lives in a short time. Many more were homeless. It was such a disaster that almost everything was in ruins.

Now a decade past, with the help of people from all walks giving a helpful hand ,a new Wenchuan appears in front of us. Piles of tall buildings stand where it used to be ruins. The city looks like a beautiful garden. People here recover from the earthquake both physically and mentally, enjoying a comfortable life.

In my opinion, without the support of our Motherland,the survivors in Wenchuan can not lead so comfortable a life as it is now. I am proud that I live in such a mutual-aid country.



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