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myfriend英语作文 英语范文





This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at ru

This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at running. Tom runs faster than me.


First, I want to tell you something about my best friend and me. I have afriend called Dick. In some ways, we are the same. Both Dick and I are good atsports. We always go to library together to read because of the same hobby. So,we also study well all subjects. Reading books is important in our life .

In someways, we are different. Dick is a little taller and a lot stronger than me. Ithink it is because he does excise every day. For me, I just take excise threetimes a week. Dick likes going to concert, but I have no interest in it. In myfree time, I always watch TV. That is really fun.


I turn to my friend , when i am in trouble.

When i was eight years old , my class had a trip to a park . at first , i was so excited . but an hour later , i was in trouble . i lost my way . at that time , i was afraid and i didnt know what to did next . luckily , my friend lily found me . she told me not to be afraid . with her help , we found our class at last . although many years have passed , i never forget that . i believe friends always help me , when i am in trouble .


My Friend

Helen is my best friend. She is 12 years old. She is very beautiful. She has a long hair, big eyes and a small mouth. She can speak English very well. She likes painting and reading books. Her birthday is in August. Chocolate and ice-cream are her favorite food. She is lovely and smart. She is my best friend forever.




1.myfriend英语作文 英语范文

2.英语介绍信范文 有什么格式

3.英语中文谐音大全 都有哪些单词

4.英语作文开头结尾优美句型摘抄 带翻译



7.高三英语怎么快速提高成绩 提分技巧有哪些



  • myfriend英语作文 英语范文

  • 2020高考英语作文必背模板开头结尾


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